Ephesus Tours and Activities
Ephesus was established as a harbor on the mouth of the river Cayster and was one of the principal cities of the world for its being on an important trade route in Anatolia.
Ephesus itself and the remains are all on the sides of a fertile valley. The vast ruins including the theatre, library or gymnasium create the unique atmosphere of Ephesus and interest to every visitors.
Ephesus has been a "capital" during the date. Once a trade center of the prehistoric world, a spiritual heart of the first Christianity and today, a different tourism center showing all its perfects to the visitors through the world.
The linguists believe that the word "Ephesus" originated from "Apasas." The town of Apasas under the control of Ahhiyava Kingdom stated in the written reports of Hittites of the 14th and 13th eras BC is Ephesus.